Click on the link below to download the conference schedule:
Conference Schedule
Authors interested in presenting research papers of a theoretical/applied nature or case studies are invited to submit their high-quality research article or abstract latest by November 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
through the Google form link:
Paper format and guidelines are same as IJMEMS format, LINK:
The registration link/form will be emailed to the paper presenters by the convener if his/her paper is accepted for presentation. IN CASE, IF PARTICIPANTS WISH TO PRESENT THE PAPERS IN OFFLINE FORM AT VNIT NAGPUR OR MNIT JAIPUR, they may do so with prior notification. The participants are responsible for all boarding and lodging costs in such cases.
Before being sent to a pre-conference review, every paper submitted to the conference will be checked for plagiarism using anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin). Authors should observe high standards concerning publication ethics. Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author's work without proper citation, and misappropriation of the work are all unacceptable. There is NO CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE for participants presenting accepted papers at the conference. Since the conference is based online and will have ZERO registration costs, there is no registration fee without compromising on the quality of work. The registration link/form will be emailed to the paper presenters by the convener if his/her paper is accepted for presentation.